Equity-Based Compensation
Equity based compensation allows the employees of the firm to share in the profits via appreciation of the stock value and the company can encourage employee retention, particularly if there are vesting requirements. The planning is a key to tax savings for the exercise or sale of the stocks. Please contact us if you have any questions. There are several types of the equity based compensation.

Moving Overseas
Are you planning to move abroad or living abroad? Expat taxes are complex and required proper planning prior to the relocation to achieve your goal of saving US taxes. We understand there are many aspects of life need planning prior to the move and taxes (most of the times) will be the last on our busy mind. We understand that because we have the firsthand experience of moving and living overseas. We understand the complexity of international tax when it comes to tax reporting requirements governed by the US government.
Ownership in Foreign Entity
When a US taxpayer has ownership in a foreign entity (corporation or partnership), a further review of his/her US tax filing requirement is necessary to determine whether there are additional reporting related to the ownership of the foreign corporation. If the foreign corporation is deemed to be a Controlled Foreign Corporation, some if not all of the foreign corporation income might be required to be reported or even taxed in the US based on the US ownership.